Thomas Badeslade
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Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick: shewing how the works to recover and preserve the navigation of the River Dee, The second edition.
Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a new set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales: To Which are Prefix'd the Following General Maps, ... By Thos. Badeslade Surveyor. & Engrav'd by W. H. Toms
Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales: To Which are Prefix'd the Following General Maps, ... By Thomas ... and now Neatly Engrav'd by Will: Henry Toms
Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: to which are prefix'd the following general maps, ... By Thomas ... and now neatly engrav'd by Will: Henry Toms.
Reasons Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of the Publick; Shewing how the Works to Recover and Preserve the Navigation of the River Dee, Will Destroy the Navigation
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